Some things change, some things stay the same.
Some things change, some things stay the same.
The double dutch jump rope team Black Magic, a group of 7th graders from Hartford, CT, show off their freshest freestyle moves in this 1988 championship.
This teenage bride is wearing traditional Fezzi golden robes and head pieces to her wedding in Fez, Morocco, in 1984.
Three Princeton Sophomores pose post-battle. Brutal. Maybe there were rocks in those snowballs?
There was much to do in 1922 over the flapper subspecies with the “peculiar shuffling gait,” weird handshake (done without clasping hands), black and white dresses, and turned back coat lapels decorated with splendid sparkling paperclips, called The Shifters.
Froggy and Skeleton, club house meeting, Christchurch city.
“The Purity Ball is uh, it’s a ball.
There’s just as much action on the sidelines as there is on the field: cheerleaders flying high, band marching in unison, fans roaring in the stands and parents greeting sons post game time.
1997, NSW, Australia, the day after my thirteenth birthday.
Sicily, 1973, a hot day. Sixteen year old Franco Merli is pumping gas.