‘The 7-11 at 64th and Lebanon ave, Overbrook Philadelphia 1984, I’m boosting mallo-cups and that’s a soft pretzel in me gob.’
‘The 7-11 at 64th and Lebanon ave, Overbrook Philadelphia 1984, I’m boosting mallo-cups and that’s a soft pretzel in me gob.’
Melting melodies, dizzy drums, vocal haunts—Fungi Girls are a trio of Texas teenagers taking over the tune waves.
Sixteen year olds in Webster Groves see nothing to rebel about.
Beatles fans at Warwick Hotel in 1965 (via here)
Here’s a youth culture theme: screaming fan girls.
A greasy mix of redneck and teddy boy, the Raggare are a subculture that began in Sweden and spread to other Nordic regions.
‘Izzy Says’ is a new column featuring interviews and musings by teenage drumming sensation Izzy Schappell-Spillman of Care Bears on Fire.
Victor makes zines. Lots of them. He spends hours in his room cutting and pasting while listening to various punk records.
In February 1995, Ebony magazine ran an article on Teen Sensations.
I recently wrote an article for the incredible film magazine Little Joe about the pre-history of gay teenagers on television.
Group of young men rocking the classic Casuals style.