Sicily, 1973, a hot day. Sixteen year old Franco Merli is pumping gas.
Sicily, 1973, a hot day. Sixteen year old Franco Merli is pumping gas.
Alessandra Sanguinetti’s photographic series The Adventures of Guille and Belinda and The Enigmatic Meaning of Their Dreams, follows Guille and Belinda, cousins living on their family farm in Maipu, Argentina (300 kilometers away from Buenos Aires) on the cusp of adolescence.
Eight Palestinian college students have written a manifesto that begins “Fuck Hamas… Fuck Israel.
D.W. Griffith’s “An Unseen Enemy” (1912) was the Gish sisters’ first film.
The first ever performed piece considered contact improvisation was danced by Oberlin College students in 1972.
Last week’s episode of This American Life – Middle School is a must listen for anyone who survived junior high school.
Red Corporal Yelizaveta Feodorovna Mironova, 255th Marine Brigade Black Sea Fleet of Novorossiysk, was a teenage sniper.
Get smart – use your school library, duh!
The Freedom Riders were activists who made invaluable contributions to the progress of the civil rights movement in America by sitting illegally in segregated public transport.
There were the Soviet Beauty Queens and then there were the Russian Beauty Queens.