Though there have been Scouts in Libya since 1954, the neat khaki uniforms, uniform caps and green handkerchiefs might appear out of place when juxtaposed with the devastation and disarray in post-revolution Libya.
Teenagers and youth phenomena in the news today
Though there have been Scouts in Libya since 1954, the neat khaki uniforms, uniform caps and green handkerchiefs might appear out of place when juxtaposed with the devastation and disarray in post-revolution Libya.
Teen movies generally get dismissed as either nostalgic pap or disposable junk.
Dissatisfied after asking the city to sanction a park for Portland’s considerable skater population, Chris Bredesen, Osage Buffalo and Bret Taylor found the perfect spot to take matters into their own hands.
For six months of the 2012/2013 school year, photographer Aaron Wojack captured a small slice of the New York City high school experience in a series called “Blowing Minds”.
K-Hole is a collective of artists and trend-foreasters, whose latest work “Youth Mode: A Report on Freedom” is available to download.
Austin based photographer Ilana Panich-Linsman offers up a beautiful and candid look into the sometimes cloistered emotional and social world of teenage girls with her series Fifteen.
The 12 O’Clock Boys are Baltimore’s own renegade teenage dirt-bike crew.
Krumping, a popular hip-hop dance style from Los Angeles, has made its way to Liberia thanks to the internet and creative teens hungry for innovative outlets for their talents.
On the island of Zanzibar, a semi-autonomous state off the coast of Tanzania, there is an old cultural belief that Islam and women’s soccer are incompatible.
Editors Note: This is the first in a series of posts on London teen culture, past and present, to celebrate our UK premiere at the BFI London Film Festival Oct 10-13.