“Oh, what questionings of fate, and freedom, and how evil came, and what death is, and what the life to come, passed to and fro among these girls!”
“Oh, what questionings of fate, and freedom, and how evil came, and what death is, and what the life to come, passed to and fro among these girls!”
Brooklyn native Nathalia Crane was just nine years old when she published her first poem in The New York Sun (they thought they were publishing an adult).
“Graduated 2009.” Powerful reading of a powerful poem.
Iseult Gonne (6 August 1894 – 22 March 1954) was conceived in the mausoleum of her late brother in an attempt by her parents to reincarnate their dead, still adored infant son.
The origins of the Beat Generation can be traced to a group of students (Kerouac, Ginsberg, Lucien Carr, Hal Chase & others) who in 1948 challenged their conservative, formulaic writing professors at Columbia University.
My lies:
large, red balloons
that I buy on the street
and release into the heavens.
Chris Searle, a beloved student-teacher, was fired from his teaching job after publishing a book of poems entitled ‘Stepney Words’ written by his pupils.
Precious moments on Roseanne—rough and tumble, 13 year old, Darlene is forced to read her poem aloud at her junior high school’s “culture night”.