Spot the weight lifters of Ritzville High School in small town Ritzville, Washingonton.
Spot the weight lifters of Ritzville High School in small town Ritzville, Washingonton.
News-worthy pics of teenaged Lummi Indians participating in the 17th Annual ‘Stommish Celebration’ in Gooseberry Point, WA in 1962.
The double dutch jump rope team Black Magic, a group of 7th graders from Hartford, CT, show off their freshest freestyle moves in this 1988 championship.
There’s just as much action on the sidelines as there is on the field: cheerleaders flying high, band marching in unison, fans roaring in the stands and parents greeting sons post game time.
Meet the 15 year old ski prodigy Andrea Mead Lawrence.
These boots were made for walking! Two Venezuelan boy scouts departed Caracas on January 11, 1935 and walked 25 miles a day for two years in order to make it to the 1937 Boy Scout Jamboree in Washington DC.
The students at Manual Training High School in Denver, Colorado studied more than just reading and writing.
Gertrude Ederle learned in swim at age 9 in while summering in her New Jersey cottage.
Surfin’ Aust-ral-ia. Right? Australia is outlined in beaches.
Parents just don’t understand skateboarders. Photographer Ryan Young documents skaters traveling across America in search of unexpected places to ride, from subdivisions to seaside half pipes.