Studs, snot-rockets, and some very spiky hair! The third in Penelope Spheeris‘ documentary series about the evolution of punk, Decline of Western Civilization Part III turns the focus to the fans. The series of interviews shows the progression of the punk scene over the past 20 years and what the driving forces behind contemporary punk rock fandom are.
Riding the L.A. 80s punk wave—here’s an excerpt from this incredible collection of clips,
80s Punk Scene.

A friendly cop asks, “I have a 15 year old son, who’s into stuff like this. I’m just curious, how do you get your hair like that?”
Young punk responds, You wet it. Then you like, get some knox gelatin. Then you make your hair any shape you want. Rub it on there, get the blow dryer and the you dry it.

► Teenage blog has been asked to present our fave YouTube vids featuring teens for Migrating Forms’ upcoming event Tube Time!. What are your favorite teenage-centric YouTube vids? Post your submissions on our Facebook page. Thx!