• 13 Yr Old Compares School System to Slavery



    Eighth grader Jada Williams, a student at School #3 in Rochester NY, wrote a compelling essay connecting the Rochester School System to Frederick Douglas’s The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, or slavery.

  • Best of Times (1981)



    The Best Of Times was a 1981 ABC pilot about the trials and tribulations of seven California teenagers.  

  • Teenage Gang Debs


    “Kick-happy, thrill-hungry, always reckless, and willing….”

    Teenage Gang Debs is a 1966 film about a Manhattan girl who moves to the mean streets of Brooklyn and joins The Rebels, “from back room binges to back alley rumbles, anything goes as long as it’s violent.”

  • Non-Violence Training


    In 1960, photographer Eve Arnold traveled to Petersburg, Virginia to cover the Petersburg Improvement Association, a part of the non-violent protest movement happening in the South.  

  • Jaboni Youth


    Brassland Records co-founder and Chk Chk Chk manager Alec Hanley Bemis started the fanzine Jaboni Youth after high-school in 1993.  

  • The Lollipop Generation



    The Lollipop Generation is the first feature film by the Canadian artist and musician G.B.