The documentary “Make Believe” follows six of the world’s best teenager magicians as they compete for the title Teen World Champion.
Yearly Archives: 2011
Dionne Quints
Tough times in a tiny town, circa 1934: a woman named Elzire Dionne gives birth to the world’s first known quintuplets near the village of Corbeil in Ontario, Canada.
Second Ward Summer
In the hot summer of 1972, photographer and filmmaker Danny Lyon was taking pictures in South El Paso’s Second Ward.
Tape Crackers
Back in 1995, Michael Finch was studying for his GCSE’s.
Fan Mail
In 1998, Quentin Tarantino received a letter from a 14-year-old aspiring film-maker named Richard.
Hands On
Vocational high school is no vacation. Mergenthaler Vocational-Technical High School students in Baltimore, Maryland learn everything hands on.
Team Sports
At some point over your high school years you’re likely to end up in a sports team.
Swiss Studs
Of all the signs that some young thing has major attitude, their posture is the giveaway.
My Life On Earth
Born in Dallas, Texas in 1983, Ronny Long is a self-taught artist whose work revolves around horror, wrestling and Bigfoot.