1920– a bread-making demonstration on the lawn of Anson County Courthouse, North Carolina.
Young southerners learn to be green via Green ‘N’ Growing: The History of Home Demonstration and 4-H Youth Development in North Carolina.
Several years ago, Mrs. Rosalind Redfearn of Anson County began to teach her home demonstration club members the value of a good grade and pack in selling poultry products and other products by parcel post and express shipments. 1920s.

Peach and cherry pack, 1914.

Hazel Carris of Pitt County at her 4-H exhibit, “Drink Your Way to Health”. 1940s.

McFarlan Club girls, Anson County. 1927.

Melon fresh at 4-H Club Week. 1939.

Girls with ‘Milk for Health’ banners. 1920s.