Red Corporal Yelizaveta Feodorovna Mironova, 255th Marine Brigade Black Sea Fleet of Novorossiysk, was a teenage sniper.
Red Corporal Yelizaveta Feodorovna Mironova, 255th Marine Brigade Black Sea Fleet of Novorossiysk, was a teenage sniper.
“Sailors, at the constant mercy of the elements, often feel the need for religious images on their bodies to appease the angry powers that caused storms and drowning far from home.”
Noor Inayat Khan was the first female radio operator to be sent into occupied France during WWII.
Resistenza partigiana, Partisan Resistance, were pro-Allied Italians during WWII.
The cover for the April 26, 1943 issue of LIFE featured “Jango” Helen Almy being capped after successfully completing junior nurses aide project operating in Washington’s Doctor’s Hospital.
In the late 1940s American girls (and boys) spice up Heidelberg, Germany in an unruly mix of saddle shoes and lederhosen.
One young Sullivan High School illustrator set out to draw every senior in the class of 1946.
Meet the 15 year old ski prodigy Andrea Mead Lawrence.
A collection of lovingly worn portraits and snapshots from the Rison Family Photograph collection.
Back in the day most teenage girls knew how to sew (and well).