Brooklyn Public Librarian Ben Gocker recently shared this series of drawings made by students at Manual Training High School for their literary-art publication, Prospect.
Brooklyn Public Librarian Ben Gocker recently shared this series of drawings made by students at Manual Training High School for their literary-art publication, Prospect.
Mexican girls, carrot workers, Edinburg, Texas. 1939
A spectrum of farm girls—from the 4-H farm lifestyle to young migrant workers in the fields, just trying to deal—during the Great Depression.
“Crew [of teen gang members] is shown in jiffy wagon as they were transported to Adolescent Court.”
Friends lounge luxuriously at Plage Lavel in Quebec during the steamy Canadian summer of 1942.
Working on your summer reading list? Jon Savage, author of Teenage: The Creation of Youth Culture 1875-1945, the book that Teenage film is based, presents his teen-centric recommends — I read hundreds of books by and about teenagers for the “Teenage” book and these are among my favourites:
Plaids & pleats, sweater sets & caps—teen girls in Louisville, Kentucky model the hottest styles for high school at the department store Kaufman-Straus in 1945.
When the internet was new I did all the things everyone did with it, got hooked, sold my soul to eBay, downloaded enough porn to make a string of flesh all around the world, located all my old high school classmates and found myself an internet boyfriend in the former Soviet Union.
Another gem from the LIFE Archive! In 1945 the term “teenage” was finally coined.
Dance hall, Richwood, West Virginia, 1942
Photographer John Collier, Jr.
Follow a Dutch high school through ninety years of existence.