Rockin’ the taffeta and trailer style. Photographer Bobbie Hanvey visits with an Irish Traveler family—inside their caravan and all glammed up for big sisters wedding near Downpatrick in 1993. (check out the metallic ankle scrunchie!) Today young traveler girls favor skimpy, trendy outfits—minis skirts, highest heels, and deep v necklines, yet adhere to a strict moral code. One on one dating is discouraged, even engaged couples are chaperoned, and of course, pre-marital sex is a big NO. Weddings are a rare occasion when boys and girls can mingle freely. Consequently travelers marry very young, mostly as teenagers. If you like gawking at extravagance have a view at the tackily titled BBC series My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, where ancient traditions and modern fashions collide. “I want a big wedding and a massive dress.” exclaims an excited teenager as she plans her dream wedding.

My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding
pics via Boston College