Rank press photo of Janina Faye in the CinemaScope and Eastman Colour horror film “The Day Of The Triffids” (1962).
Rank press photo of Janina Faye in the CinemaScope and Eastman Colour horror film “The Day Of The Triffids” (1962).
Joyce Maynard was writing for Seventeen Magazine when she was still a teenage prep school student at Phillips Exeter Academy.
A biased view of young protesters from the archives of Milwaukee’s police officers, “Milwaukee’s Finest.”
“In 1965 I was up in Canada, and there was a friend of mine up there who had just left a rock’n’roll band… he had just newly turned 19, and that meant he was no longer allowed into his favorite hangout, which was kind of a teeny-bopper club and once you’re over 18 you couldn’t get in there anymore; so he was really feeling terrible because his girlfriends and everybody that he wanted to hang out with, his band could still go there, you know, but it’s one of the things that drove him to become a folk singer was that he couldn’t play in this club anymore.
A 1960s French pollster interviews Elsa, the winner of “Miss 19,” a Parisian beauty queen, about political, social, and cultural opinions.
Don’t drink. Don’t smoke. What do you do?
Do DO these DOs: Teeny braids, twists n’ turns, sculpted coils.
A lot of the time, photographs are either taken at a beginning or at an end.
Of all the signs that some young thing has major attitude, their posture is the giveaway.
When They Were Young is a glossy tumblr of celebrity pics pre-fame… and botox.