Choo Chooooo is the sound of freedom to teenage wanderlusters.
Choo Chooooo is the sound of freedom to teenage wanderlusters.
According to the Urban Dictionary bershon is the irritated expression made when you’re 13 and your parents force you to wear a Christmas sweater and pose for a family portrait.
Hells Angels (of the British variety) are also known as ‘The Grease’.
“One day, in Leningrad in the late sixties, a boy—or maybe two—endowed with a sensitive judgment and feeling for art imagined the following: how might the best girls, mentally, intellectually and visually seen, dream of him, although not only that…” Evgenij Kozlov
These eye popping drawings are by 14-year-old Evgenij Kozlov, made in 1960s communist Russia.
Sixteen year olds in Webster Groves see nothing to rebel about.
Beatles fans at Warwick Hotel in 1965 (via here)
Here’s a youth culture theme: screaming fan girls.
Left: ‘A young dandy wearing a formal suit and Top hat, circa 1890’ Right: ‘Conroy Campbell, a pupil at Willesden High school, 1973’
I just rediscovered this book; Stuart Hall and Paul Gilroy put it together in 2007.
Right now Jamie and I are trying to finish the illustrations for our 2012 wall calendar, which is all about walking.
Photograph taken by Rev. Frazer Thomason of local teenagers at a social gathering in Dr.
These bright, young Masindi Senior Secondary School students wear crisp white short-sleeved collared shirts emblazoned with their fire red school emblem.