Above, sixteen year old Jerry Hall on a road trip in the early 70s.
Above, sixteen year old Jerry Hall on a road trip in the early 70s.
Hang out at the fountain in Alexanderplatz in East Berlin, 1974.
In Little Italy, on the train to Rockaway, and at Rockaway Beach.
Career Girl Romances was an Australian teen romance comic series produced during the ’60s and ’70s, highlighting the life and times of women who selflessly sacrificed their pursuit of careers in favour of a lifetime of love and happiness.
Wang Yani, born in China in 1975, is the youngest ever artist to have a solo show at The Smithsonian; she was fourteen.
Punk rock deep in the heart of Texas.
The Modern Sound Trio was a jazz group composed of all blind high school students.
Selected photographs by Guy Le Querrec of youths at the International Meeting of Evangelist Tziganes that took place in Brittany, France, 1973.
Froggy and Skeleton, club house meeting, Christchurch city.
Sicily, 1973, a hot day. Sixteen year old Franco Merli is pumping gas.