Suburban youth take Trains to Parties in London!
Posts Tagged: UK
Get With It
SQUARES, the CATS say you’ve had it at 20.
New York Times OpDoc: The Role of Youth
Jon Savage and I were asked by the New York Times to contribute to a new video Opinion section called OpDocs.
Eastender Mash Up
Kids in the streets of London—looking good, hanging out, shouting declarations, singing songs, marching in support, and celebrating Royals.
King Krule
This is Archy Marshall. Yes, he’s 17, angsty and awkward, no, that doesn’t seem to stop him.
Tape Crackers
Back in 1995, Michael Finch was studying for his GCSE’s.
Teen Bronte
Years before Jane Eyre was bestselling, 13 year old Charlotte Bronte amused herself making miniature books, complete with stories, poetry and imagined literary criticism.
Teddy Girls
Teddy girls were working class gals who often left school at 14 or 15, heading straight to careers in offices or factories.
Kettled Youth
A year of youth driven unrest in the UK; Students protesting about rising school fees, young Londoners rioting about police brutality, and teens marching against spending cuts.
The Stepney School Strike of 1971
Chris Searle, a beloved student-teacher, was fired from his teaching job after publishing a book of poems entitled ‘Stepney Words’ written by his pupils.