• New Age Travelers


    New Age Travelers are young people inspired by the traveling traditions of the gypsies and nomads who’ve roamed Europe for centuries; they are idealists looking for an alternative form of living.  

  • Seventeen Art Stars


    In the 1950s and 60s, Seventeen magazine was staffed by some (not yet) superstar graphic talent including Ad Reinhart, Andy Warhol, Roger Weaver, and Sol Lewitt — who drew the illustration pictured above for the magazine in 1957.

  • At 13 We Were Nazis


    Whoa, now this is a head turning headline, ‘At 13 we were Nazis but then we discovered marijuana and it has changed everything.’

  • Sadobabies (1988)


    Sadobabies: Runaways in San Francisco (1988) follows a group of San Francisco street kids who occupy the vacant Polytechnic High School and make miniature dolls of themselves.

  • Dead Girls Rising


    Laura Palmer, found dead in the first five minutes of the Twin Peaks pilot (1989), is one of a countless number of teen girls worshipped post-mortem.

  • 4H Friends


    1920– a bread-making demonstration on the lawn of Anson County Courthouse, North Carolina.